Alma Naturals Idaho
Giant Arborvitae (Tree of Life)
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Botanical Name: Thuja Plicata
Part: Wood
Method: Steam Distilled (stainless steel)
Country: Canada
Class: Sesquiterpenol
Size: 5ml
Notes: Giant Arborvitae, also known as Western Red Cedar Wood, oil is nicer and more refined than other Cedarwood oils. Stainless distillation gives this oil a lighter color than most of our other Cedars as well. Overall, the aroma is woody, spicy, and pungent. It's worth noting that this oil comes from the wood only of Thuja plicata and contains no thujone.
GC/MS: 1.27% 1,4 Cineol, 1.03% p-Cymene, 1.18% p-Cymenene, 1.40% Terpinen-4-ol, 1.85% a-Terpineol, 4.49% methyl-Myrtenate, 59.24% Methyl thujate, 1.84% Thujic acid, 1.93% Thujic acid isomer, and over 50 others at under 1%. Full report available upon request.